Home Buyer Program
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What is Habitat's Home Buyer Program?
Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh partners with qualified low-income individuals and families in Oshkosh to build new construction. Habitat extends a 0% interest mortgage loan to qualified applicants. Monthly mortgage payments include repayment to Habitat for the home (principal), as well as property taxes and homeowners’ insurance (escrow).

Looking to apply to be our next Partner family?
Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a Habitat for Humanity homeowner. We hope that the Habitat program can help you succeed on your journey to homeownership.
Access Application Online CLICK HERE (link will only be active July 15 - August 30) $55 Application fee must be paid to be considered complete.
When does Habitat accept applications?
Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh ONLY accepts home buyer program applications July 15th through August 30th each year. Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Program opportunities will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis based on need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner.
What are the guidelines for the Home Buyer Program?
Applicants must demonstrate a NEED for adequate housing due to any of the following situations:
Housing costs (rent = utilities) exceeds 30% of gross monthly household income
Housing is subsidized or transitional
Housing is structurally substandard, unsafe, or unhealthy
Housing is over-crowded
Housing is inaccessible or does not meet the needs of individual family members
Applicants must be comfortable with a monthly mortgage payment of $850 to $1,500 (payments are determined by household income) and must have enough income through stable employment or other forms of permanent income to afford a home and all basic living expenses.
Income includes all wages, unemployment (only if related to regular, seasonal employment), social security, pension/or disability. Self-employment income is defined as the “Net Profit” [line 31, Schedule C (1040)].
Income can also include child support, kinship care and other types of income which is received on a regular basis and is needed to cover monthly expenses. All income sources are included when they are expected to last for 3 years or longer.
2024 Income Guidelines are based on family size and 30%-80% of the median income of Oshkosh-Neenah-Menasha residents in 2024. Gross annual income must be at or above the minimum and at or below the maximum.
Credit History does not need to be perfect, but score must be above 525. Many applicants have some debt. It is important for applicants to know how much is owed for the total amount of debt to be manageable. Applicants may obtain a free copy of their credit report to ensure all credit is reported accurately at www.annualcreditreport.com.
All collection debt must have proof of active payment plans or be paid in full
Judgments for money must be satisfied [according to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access at wcca.wicourts.gov]
Bankruptcy or foreclosure must have been satisfied for at least 2 years
Willingness to Partner
Applicants must be willing to work in partnership with Habitat to ensure positive and active involvement in the Homebuyer Program. Applicants must be willing to complete 200 to 400 hours of “Sweat Equity” by attending classes and workshops, working at the Habitat ReStore, participating in Habitat or ReStore events, and working on active build sites.
Accommodations for health and employment issues will be made on a case by case basis.
Additional Applicant Requirements
Applicant(s) must be US Citizen or permanent resident.
Applicant(s) must live or work in Oshkosh/Omro/Winneconne for at least 6 months prior to program application.
Married couples must apply jointly since Wisconsin is a marital property state.
All adult household members (over 18) must sign a general release for a background check and other verification necessary to determine eligibility.
All adult household members (over 18) must comply with sweat equity requirements unless they are a full-time student.
All adult household members (over 18) must have a criminal background check clear of recent and/or serious convictions as determined by Habitat staff on a case by case basis. *Habitat is unable to serve applicants if any household member is a registered sex offender.